Lomo photos
0 bird(s) chirped
Wow, i haven't been updating my blog last month...oops, I was too busy.
Ok, a little updates on what I did in last August. I bought White Slim Angel Ultra Wide Lens Lomo camera and a few rolls of negative and positive films. Initially I find it weird using film camera because I can't view back after capturing photos. Anyway, that's the best part because just shoot and don't worry the rest.
Here's the first negative roll that I used for practising UWS camera
On the 2nd weekend in August, Kelly, Ooi, Bobby and I went to Tg Sepat for seafood and photography. It was fun and enjoyable trip. I like seaside view and of course, the seafood. Here's some pics taken with my lomo camera.
~~~~Tanjung Sepat seaside photos ~~~
All the above photos are taken from Kodak EBX roll.
Next, we proceed to Morib Sepang Gold Coast.
All these photos are taken with Velvia 50 film.
I will post more updates in Aug soon..
Jaina on Saturday, September 05, 2009