0 bird(s) chirped
Currently at home for almost a week. This is my 5th day of my holiday.
I have been tidying up my mess, putting proper things in proper place, filling up my documents and so on.. Did housekeeping on my softcopy in my PC and my portable hard disk especially photos and working files.
I am currently reading up 2nd chapter of Freakonomics written by Levitt. I purchased this book during National Book Fair held few months back.

Unlike my usual collection of novel or fiction books, I find this book is intriguing and I need lots of logic thinking to ponder upon the writer's comments and expression. The writer provides reasoning or arguements of each example of everyday life issues such as cheating, crimes, honesty,corruption, the power of information that changes people's mind.
Nevertheless, this book really opens up reader's mind by attacking the way that people normally assumes or think of everyday life.
Fun to read but not enjoyable for relaxation. Sort of serious reading..haha... Now I'm still stuck at Chapter 2..Gonna start Chapter 3...
Jaina on Tuesday, August 05, 2008