Malacca trips In June
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What a holiday record breaking for me...Been to Melaka twice in a month with a bunch of school friends. Had chicken rice balls for three times. Strolling jonker street for four times. Drinking alcoholic drinks for two times.

First trip was in beginning of June where we were invited to attend Sok Tien's wedding...

Then, second trip was in last weekend where we had sort of a reunion trip with Yap when she came back from London.

A bunch of friends photo taken during the wedding dinner...I grabbed this photo from shelley's album in Facebook...hehe.. oops, btw, mary is not inside the photo..

Here is a photo with the groom and Mary...hehhe..

I think most of us have seen sok tien's wedding dinner photos and I'm abit slow updating blog...anyway, I still blog about it...wahaha...tak tau malu one...

I'm current waiting for the photos taken during the second trip with yap, ling, pohyoke aka pokok, pohlian, laiching and leevoon...

This trip was enjoyable where we had more time walking in jonker street, had chicken rice balls for lunch and breakfast, had seafood at portugese settlement, had cendol and nyonya laksa at jonker again...

The main activity of the trip which must not missed out is the playing cards and drinking session at nite in the hotel room... The card game rules is kind of long winded to be explained here, let alone playing the game...I was being forfeited in the games and drank quite a number of cups until my head was really dizzy. Eventually I climb up to bed and slept, ignoring them calling me to continue the game..haha...

Hope to organise more trips like this with school friends again...

Jaina on Friday, June 27, 2008

0 bird(s) chirped

Caught a flu bug...

slept for the whole afternoon. gonna sleep again now...

Jaina on Sunday, June 15, 2008