Last Thursday (21 Dec 2006), had dinner with ex-collegues in Mid Valley to celebrate Christmas earlier. We celebrated earlier because one of us will be busy during Christmas Day.
As we were strolling in MidValley, suddenly we had an idea of buying a Christmas cake as a dessert for our dinner.
The Christmas Cake that we bought.
We had a filling Japanese meal in one of the Japanese restaurant there. The food is delicious but it will burn a hole in our pocket if we didn't order carefully. I was too engrossed eating so I didn't snap photos of the Japanese food. hehe...
I guessed that may be we as a Malaysians whom are thoughtful, we would usually leave 1 tiny last serving of food for anyone who thinks the first serving of the particular food is not enough. However, in our case, it seems that "nobody" wants to finish the last piece of the cake as shown in the picture above. We begged each other to finish it but no one would eat it. In the end, the last cake was divided into 4 smaller pieces and each of us should eat it.
We had Christmas Exchange Gift with each other too. I got a Mascara from my friend. Haha, I cheated initialy because since my friend was quite frustrated for getting a gift, so I told what I want.
It's seems that I always post backdated blogs..hehe..Blame it to the breakdown of the office server for 2 weeks ago. Hopefully, the newly bought server is running smoothly for longer period.
Last Christmas weekend, I stayed back in KL because my parents were coming down KL on Sunday. On Saturday, I had restful day by waking up late around 9.30am, wash clothes, had brunch and pampering my hair by steaming my hair in hair salon.
While putting up the washed clothes on the line, a bright orange stray cat roaming in front of porch. I "meow" at the cat and it started lying down and rolled back and front on the floor. Hmm, this behaviour is similar Nai Zhien's cat named Xiao Mi(whenever I enter her house, her cat sure lie on the floor and give it a pat)..Thus, I guessed this cat must be giving signals for me to rub its back. Seeing it very cute, so I took a photo of it.
After rubbing it, it follow me back to the house..Alamak...I shooed it away but it still follow me...I might be harsh by spraying water on it, but I have no other choice. I can't adopt it as a pet because I can't even take care of myself and cats are difficult to be trained.
In the evening, I had hair steaming with my aunt in a hair salon near my house. This is my first time I had ampoules and mask on my hair and steam it. I find it's worthwhile because my hair is look healthier, shiny, light and bouncy for few days. The major difference is no hair drops (1-2 strands can be counted also) everywhere which means the hair root is stronger at scalp. I would suggest everyone should try this treatment for those who has spoilt hair.
Went to 1 Utama for shopping at night with my friend. We went to Wong Kok Char Chan Teng again.. I like the snacks there because it look delicious but the taste of the main meal is just so-so.
I can't resist ice-creams and chocolate+peanut butter so I ordered Ice cream with Peanut Butter Thick Toast.
Similar to the one I previously order before Saturday outing 9 dec 2006 at the same restaurant.
My friend ordered a unique drink which has red, orange and yellow layers. Taste like ice blended fruit juice. I still can't distinguish what fruit, maybe it's dragon fruit.
Whereas, I ordered Gui Ling Koh+white fungus because I feel heaty for many days.
Self Portrait of myself at the restaurant.
After I found the benefits of putting mask on hair, I would be looking forward to continue the treatment but it would be costly if I have hair steam every week in salon as each treatment costs around RM50-60. Hence, I just bought Sunsilk Hair Repair Treatment since currently there's mega sale.
Previously, I usually dab 2 way cake foundation for my face but I would get more blackhead and whiteheads on my nose and forehead. I had been thinking whether I should try out a new foundation range from Maybelline. Since it has been discounted RM10 from normal price, so I just bought it.
I'm satisfied with the new foundation because it's creamy and no smell at all. But, I still get blackheads on my face. I guess my skin is very sensitive to cosmetics.
I have attended my colleague's wedding dinner in her hometown, Seremban on 16th December, 2006. Although it was held in a small area of the restaurant as compared to Mei Ling's, the taste of the dishes was quite delicious. Among all the dishes I had, the most delicious dish was the shark fin soup with crab meat and tai chi and it's double boil individually.
Greeted by the bride at the entrance
My colleagues with the bride and the bridegroom. The bride is my colleague. Pretty and petite hor...
Yuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm Seng!!!
What's wedding dinner without shouting yuuuuuuummm seng???
All the liquors were there; eg, red wine, beer, brandy, VSOP...Everyone drank until most of their faces turn red. Some of my colleagues were drunk and talk non sense...I guess they were too stress at work. I very kuai kuai girl so I never drink a sip at all... No la, I just don't want to spoil the cheerful environment by vomitting everywhere. I drank red wine before this dinner and I vomitted when I go to sleep.. I'm so embarrassed to tell that.
Seems that last night's (Friday) outing wasn't enough,we went out for shopping in 1Utama on Saturday afternoon. My friend will be attending her friend's wedding dinner and she's looking for a dress. Hence, I helped her to hunt for pretty and attractive clothes.
Before we start scouting for clothes, we had lunch at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng. I ordered Ice Cream Peanut Butter Thick Toast and it looked like this.
We have been walking from one outlet to another outlet to search clothes or dress that suits her for few hours. Finally, we enter Blook and while I flipping through the row of dresses, a maroon dress caught my eye. I instantly fell in love with that dress. Immediately I know that I will look good in that particular dress. The feeling is similar to the felling in love at first sight of a perfect guy and will marry him no matter what. hehe... I tried the dress and I looked attractive with that dress. To add to my excitement, the price tag of the dress is only RM69.00.
I tried that dress at home again.
So happy with my new dress.
Until today (Sunday, 10 Dec), I still feel happy. Maybe this is call as "retail therapy".
Upon leaving office on Friday evening, I quickly drove to Sunway Pyramid as a few ex-colleagues had arrived earlier. Wah lau, I was surprised to see lots lots of car clogged up all the roads around Sunway. It took me more than 30mins from LDP to enter Sunway Pyramid. Inside the car park, all the cars were directed up to 5 floors and above. I have been Sunway before for few times after work, but I have never seen Sunway Pyramid was so congested with cars on that Friday night.I was wondering is there any functions or special events in Sunway Pyramid on that night.
We had dinner at Kim Gary Restaurant. Since Andrew is so passionate about cameras, so I showed my new camera to him and be ready for his comments and his sarcastic remarks. I ordered the famous meal in Kim Gary which is the Cheese Baked Rice with Pork Chop. Yummy! I'm a cheese lover and I can't gain weight easily so I took this opportunity to eat as much as I can while I'm still young. ;)
This humorous and funny guy act gentlemenly by lending his hand to cut french toast. Haha.. He's the one who taught me photography skills using my camera.
This lemon coffee is filled in combination of a cup (handle) and a jar(lid threading). Taste : combination of bitter sour. Coffee Lemon
Again, combination of Asian and Western style...Fried spaghetti. It looks like mamak mee goreng..wah haha.. Fried spaghetti
We had a"comfortable" chat about everything eg. work, shopping, nonsense stuffs. I feel so "comfortable" leaning behind the firm cushion right after eating. That's why I called it "comfortable" chat.
Outside Sunway Pyramid, many lightings were put up in conjunction of upcoming Christmas celebration. I took this opportunity to take photos and at the same time to test my camera and acquired some skills from Andrew.
At Sunway roundabout
Andrew took these photos for me...Appreciate that...
At Sunway road
At Sunway Pyramid Hotel
Marvelous... I love Christmas celebration... Though I feel exhausted, I feel happy being with friends and taking photos together. However, I feel quilty that Andrew spend time accompany us and miss his 2nd dinner with his friends.
Still frustrated with office network. Internet connection still down. I can't work without internet at my pc.
I'm now online at home just to download attachment sent by supplier. Angry already. Feel like throwing temper on MIS face.
Tired and wanna sleep.
Really frustrating with no internet in the office. I can't send and receive e-mails from suppliers and I can't surf internet in the office. I felt that I'm confined to my own world as I don't know what's latest breaking news happening in the country, for eg, the toll price hike in 5 highways in Klang Valley on Thursday. Though I don't use those highways to work, I felt the price increase up to 60% is too much and ridiculous.
I have many stories to blog it here but due to inexperienced MIS or lousy tmnet stremyx service in the office, I can't post many photos in blog. Just a summary that I wished to blog here.
Last 2 weeks of Friday night, I had meet up with my ex-colleagues in Sunway Pyramid. Outside of Sunway Pyramid, lots of lights portraying Snow Man, snow flakes and the Jingle Bells had been put up. I took lots of photos that time but I can't upload it here as I'm now using dial - up connection which has very slow broadband. Next week, once my office internet connection has been repaired, I will definitely post it up here.
The next day, we went to 1U and I bought a dress. I wished to post it up here but due to the same reason, I can't. The dress is awesome, I feel in love with in that dress. It's a indigo tube dress and it's stretchable which flaunts my curves...hehe..Hiao ah..
I will be attending my colleague's wedding dinner in Seremban tonight. I had been thinking which dress should I wear, a decent one or a tube one because many bosses will be attending too. As usual, I will decide which to wear at the last minute. I will snap photos during the dinner and post it up here hopefully by next week.
Last Friday, I was quite busy with my tender proposal and small project. Due to Monday is public holiday for Selangor (haha, KL ppl still need to go work and I sleep at home, na nana na), I was rushing to prepare documents for next week. When I'm really focusing my work, I hate people who disturb me eg. borrow things,asking stupid ques etc and made me lose concentration and have to start all over again with my work.
I hate people who test my intelligence.
This is the summary of what happened in the office on Friday afternoon.
We went for meeting together, then ask me what did the supplier said, so I taught her extra info, then she said no no, is this this... she said what supplier is this this. What the hell!!! Since she know already, and I heard what supplier told me already, why the hell want to ask me again? I'm damn busy while she find some time to ask me redundant questions.
When I asked her what she know, and she purposely answered in short sentence. The other way round, when she asked me, I will share what I know. I hate KIASU people. I was damn pissed off.
To make things worse, server down in the evening due to thunderstorm, I need to access the files in server. My mind was thinking, please no OT tonight, because I have dinner appointment with my ex-colleagues. Luckily, after much persuasion to my boss, then he let me go early..
My boss is coming in late and my colleague is on MC...So, left me alone in the office..I'm super super bored and there is no work for me so I picked up a technical magazine and read. There's one article on nanotechnology amused me.
To prevent boredom of the readers by bombarding with technical terms, here's the gist of the article...
"Nanotechnology has been making impact on nanocomposite materials for automative and sports. Ongoing case studies are performed to apply nanotechnology on the water treatment for rural areas in the world such as in South Africa to halt the spreading of cholera diseases and HIV/AIDS. The nanofiltration membranes with 2nm-100nm diameter of pores which able to remove water contaminants such as bacteria, organics and inorganics such sulphates, phosphates, arsenic." --> Ignore this if don't comprehend what I wrote.
For decades ago, the world has been involved in microtechnology which is the basis of emergence innovations that have making human life easier such as the microwave, Microsoft, microcomputer, microphone, microsystem, microscope, microbes, microspeaker and every other micros. Nowadays, almost everything which is extremely small is prefix with micro-xxx eg microskirt, microeconomics, microbiology.
As the world is progressing into nanotechnology application, will the micro words becomes obsolete? Or substitute micro with nano? Nanowave, Nanosoft, nanocomputer, nanophone, nanosystem, nanoscope, nanocrobes, nanospeakers? I find it sounds weird and funny. Can a skirt shorter than microskirt called as nanoskirt?
Despite that, the current invention of iPod Nano has become our consumer product targeting hip and trendy youngsters. Hence, in the next few years, we will hear more Nano-xxx in our daily conversation.
After editing Mee Ling's wedding photo in my camera, I was very eager to add photos into Flickr. Aik!!! I realised that my Flickr photos are disorganised. Oh #^&*, I have to organise first before I could upload new photos.
While waiting Flickr to upload photos, I just upload a few here. My friends have uploaded full photo album in the blogs so I won't do repetition here...
The bride and me (*Skin colour contrast is very obvious here)
Before the Dinner
To kill time and boredom at home, Kelly brought me and Sok Tien to few boutiques and had tea in Ipoh Garden. Really grateful that she brought me there that sell attractive clothes at a reasonable price. I will definitely going there again for buying new clothes for CNY. Luckily, those sales women didn't follow behind my back while I was looking at clothes or else ... I won't return to that shop. Frankly speaking, I have been wearing few clothes that I bought when I was studying in uni. I guess it's time to update my wardrobe. I'm just looking for simple office attire, not those office suits with blazer as if looked professional.
*Something wrong with My Flickr, it's still can't upload photos. Suan lar...Try again tomorrow.The whole world is promoting World Aids Day campaign, 1st Dec which is today. Wear red ribbon today to fight and stop the spread of HIV and AIDS and end prejudice. Get a virtual red ribbon from World Aids Day and put it into your webpage to show support against HIV and AIDS.
Our government has been funding NGO's millions of ringgit to eradicate the wide-spreading and incurable HIV or AIDS disease, read AIDS fight needs action, says minister but still the statictics that the number of people especially women infected by HIV has jumped drastically ten times for over 15 years. Researches have been done over the years and still haven't found a cure yet. Even if there is a cure, I guess the cost of the injection or medicine or immunisation would be darn expensive.
Anyway, I'm sure many of us are educated that there are 3 ways of getting HIV and we are smart enough to make a wise choice so I will not elaborate here. Just show support against HIV by wearing red ribbon today.