Today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday...Yay..I took half day leave and will be taking bus back home tomorrow. I'm getting excited now as I haven't gone back home since Hari Raya. In addition to that, I will be attending Mee Ling's buffet dinner and her wedding dinner too and it's a chance to meet all my classmates.
In the coming month of December, I have 3 wedding dinners to attend; 1 is Mee Ling's, 1 is my colleague and 1 is my UTP friend. wah lau eh, I wonder how many wedding invitations will I receive next year. As my age gets older, the number invitations will increase year by year and reaches the peak around age 28 or 29, i guessed. Maybe some will marry around early 30's. From age 33, the number of marriages would drop. Just like a Gaussian distribution "normal distribution" ( a term from statistics ).
Apart from attending wedding dinners, Christmas and New Year is approaching. Clearing annual leaves is part from company terms and combined with public holidays, it will be another stretch of holidays again. Yay! This is what I like for staying in Malaysia, as we have lots of public holidays. But compared to western countries, they even have summer holidays for 3 months where all the workers would stop working. Cheh...Malaysian companies still ranked to have the most underpaid & overwork employees. Many people denied this fact as they have mistakenly compared with foreign companies in Malaysia whereby foreign companies give a bundle of benefits and welfare to the employees. Even some KLSE board listed companies are so stingy to contribute better benefits to employees and some are just empty box companies.
Anyway, back to the Christmas and New Year, it's time to spend money for shopping. Haha, no la, I have very low purchasing power to contribute for this country economy. I will probably shop next year for CNY. I will just enjoy the celebration atmosphere and have fun time around. Will hear Jingle Bell Jingle Bell, Silent Night songs, will see Christmas tree being decorated at shopping mall, will eat stuffed turkey. hehe...
On July 24th, my newly permed hair looked like this.

Too curly, rite?
On Nov 27th, my hair looked like this. AFTER 4 MONTHS
Amazingly, my hair looked so pretty after it normalised for 2 months. Many people said I looked better with curly hair. Hopefully, I can maintain curly hair until CNY.

My bro's itchy hand exploring my camera while I was so engrossed MSN'ing friend on last Saturday night.

Remember the post on Melaka Trip where I had been shopping for a few girls accesories from Jonker Street. Most are simple and nice to see and not the funky silvery ones.

These are hair bands. Supposingly there are 3 pieces for RM10. I have given 1 which is in pink colour and similar pattern from the blue ones to my friend. I love the pink crytals more.

Zoomed to the pendants (Aiyak, forgot to turn on flash)
Necklaces. The square flower pendant is made from wood. RM 4 per piece. The round shape pendant costs me RM10. I was surprised to see KLCC and Parkson Ipoh selling exactly the same necklace at RM35. Wahaha, I don't regret buying those instead, I regret for not buying 20 pieces of those necklaces and sell it at RM25 to my colleagues, friends or relatives. hence, gain profit of 150%. Dream on lar...
Bought the purple crystal dangling earrings and crafted keychain with my name. Earrings cost me about RM3-4 and the keychain is RM6. Damn cheap, man. The keychain is kind of too long, maybe I should ordered handphone strap, instead.
To add to my accesories collection, my aunty bought jade bracelet from Kunming. The flowers petals were really crafted similar to look like real flowers. Very good craft piece. However, it's quite expensive, around RM70, I guess.
Aiya, my hand looked dark in this photo. Never mind, I'm tanned for real.
Guess what, I had been walking, having dinner, shopping, watch performances there for about 3 hours. And, I'm still not satisfied because I should have buy more and more. I will sure visit Jonker Street again.
I recalled reading a lapuk news from The Star about KLIA intend to propose a check-out system at KL Sentral Terminal for MAS customers next year. It was just a recent news, Check Out at KL Sentral.

Their spokeperson or whoever authorised personnel or some big shots said since we have check-in system for those for uses ERL and also a MAS airline customer, we should have check-out system at KL City Terminal and customers can retrieve baggages directly at KL Terminal. The CEO claims this system would the first in the world.
I was like, "Duh... Crap again..." Our own baggage retrieval system at KLIA is extremely inefficient, slow and if bad luck, the baggage would have flew to another country or gotten into wrong hands. I had similar incident where I was searching for my baggage at baggage conveyor at HK airport. Some MAS crew came over and inform us that some of the baggage in my flight was left out in KLIA. I was shocked and thought what am going to wear for next 4 days. Luckily, there was another flight flying to HK airport in 0.5 hours time with our missing baggages.
From what I read from the newspaper long time ago, our KLIA baggage management is the best among from other airports. All lies...ya, best but inefficient. The current problem still haven't settle at the KLIA and now, they have big head, big mouth said want to make baggage retrieval system at KL Sentral. This won't work.
I have been quite busy with the tender that I received last week. It was quite high value project. Anyway, after submitting the tender, I'm very free now...Yeh!! I'm able to read blogs leisurely.. However, my table is in a mess now..Full of papers here and there, I think I need to tidy up and arrange them in files. But, procastination make it worse...Tiny hill of papers but still can't compete with my boss. His table has 4 huge mountains. Wah haha, I'm so bad, making fun of my boss and blog it here...
Last Friday night, I had dinner with my ex-collegues and ex-supplier. Though they were my colleagues and supplier before, we became friends. Somehow, after occasional having dinner or lunch together, our circle became strengthen... I meant our friendship became closer lar. I actually brought a camera (as if want to show off my new camera) and wanted to take picture of them. However, suddenly a friend brought his colleague along and join us of the dinner. Aiyo, how to take photos without her? The rest of us were guessing whether she is his gf, good friend, colleague, not friend, or just a stranger. Hehehe... The dinner was abit not comfortable with a new friend around, as we usually talk about our ex-company and craps related.
After the weekend, it was queer to me that she smsed my friend and commented few things about us. I wonder how she can comment us at just first outing? I'm not a very super sensitive person so I don't care about first impression of a person and I can't really tell a person character at just first meeting. Usually I need some time to get to know a person well and understand them. He/She can be nice in front of me and evil behind my back. Some ppl are just fake outside. Anyway, what my new friend commented turn out to be positive ones.
Labels: Thoughts of the day
This morning, I received a forwarded mail from my friend which contains a few motivational phrases. It's kind of an eye opener for me on Monday because I will always feel not enthuastic towards life. Monday blues... "Aiyo, Monday again, have to go to work, stress because of unavoidable terrible traffic jam for another 5 days." these lines always popped up in my mind whenever I wake up on Monday morning. I was born in KL for about 25 years ago, and I have experienced traffic congestion since baby days...Traffic congestion in KL is persistent issue and I don't see any improvements on it. Hmm, abit way out of topic, let's move back to the MOTIVATIONAL phrases.

Last weekend, I was at home, doing housework such as washing 1 week clothes, tidying the room, help grandma change cushion and so on la...Hence, I have alot of free time reading newspaper as well. I was surprised when I got hold of that Saturday's The Star issue was unusually thicker than previous week. The thick Star Recruitment caught my sight. As I don't really enjoy my current unfulfilling job, I just read through few vacancies from big MNC companies. Yeah, a few jobs from oil & gas industry interest me but I don't have relevant experience.
My past working experience was really short and I don't really learnt alot from it. Just parts or bits of design, project management, procurement, application..It's too diversify and I'm not specialised on anything of it.. My engineering major is Process in which I suppose to work in Oil&Gas industry by hook or by crook but I never even get interviewed during initial job scouting after graduation. Damn it, oil&gas industry are dominated by Malays and Middle East foreigners. Take a stroll at KLCC during weekdays from 1pm-2pm, you will see alot of Malays and foreigners.
Maybe I'm not fated to work in oil&gas industry no matter how hard I tried, as I'm stuck with water and wastewater treatment now since after graduation. I like water & wastewater treatment as well, but I don't seem exposed on it, I meant I don't really have hands-on working to build a plant. Hence, if I go for interview in another company, they will sure ask me about working experience. I will be so embarrased to inform them about my shallow experience.
After graduating from first degree, my next dream is to study MBA in Finance in local public uni. I read an advertisement that one of local public uni in Selangor is offering MBA and claimed to be the best MBA course in M'sia. But, somehow, coming from engineering background, I wonder whether I can cope higher management course. Besides that, I need to fork out my savings to pay for course fee which I don't think it's enough. The reason I wished to study management is because I wanted to learn more not only in technical background, in finance management as well, opportunity of career advancement would be higher and I find that working in engineering firm is static and conservative.
I will put aside of studying MBA for next few years as I need to concentrate my job now. I guess that I will be stuck working in this company for another 4 months because I need to get 1 year good working experience in water treatment company before I can hop to another related company. However, the problem that I'm facing now is every morning I go to work, I won't have anything to do in the office. Practically nothing...No new inquiries from sales ppl for me to work out the cost and proposal. Hence, I just surf internet, updating blog(which is what I'm doing now), read and forward mails, play games...Yes, I know many people will envy me but I don't really like the way it is now. Feeling useless in this current company.I wished I could join a better company with career advancement + work loads.
Sigh, what a boring for me today..Anyway, everyday is the same boring day...
Hehe...All photos are only ME at KLCC park. The photographer still doesn't want to reveal himself after giving so much persuasion. Just OK quality photos because it's just a consumer digital camera, not SLR.

I wished that I become a part time photograph model. Too bad that I don't have Amber Chia sexy body figure and arrogant outlook. Most probably I will earned more than just being low profile engineer in my company. Spend many years of hard work in uni but end up earning meagre income. Compared with Amber Chia who speaks only few words of English during her initial modelling career but she earns 5 times more than me.
I was facsinated with my new camera for over 1 week. To the extent of, purposely went to KLCC and took some photos at the park last weekend. I hoped to get to know more features of my camera before
Hopefully my photography skills is good enough to produce clear photo.
Motorola KRZR exhibition at Concourse

At KLCC entrance

KLCC park


The KLCC Petronas Twin Towers. Weather was gloomy because it has just rained in the afternoon

So sexy

Took part in personality test from Loreal Paris lipstick commercial ad in Clove Two, The Star Online. It gave positive comments as below :
In a peaceful state of joy or bliss. Smile constantly. Try to see and bring out the best in others. Truly loving and understanding of everyone. Very intelligent and contemplative. Methodical in what they do and very hard-working. Very optimistic and tend to look younger than their years. Humorous.
Easy-going, organised, loyal, sometimes shy, an avid shopper, respectful of others' feelings.
A: Highly methodical in how you approach things, you're inclined to adhere to a system of reason and structure. You life is always organised and that suits you just fine, being the intelligent and contemplative gal you are. However, when it comes to shopping, logic is thrown out the window and you allow your insane desire to purchase your desired possessions. Find a secret balance of wisdom and desire with 516 Secret Garden of L'Oreal Paris Colour Riche Star Secrets.
Take your personality test here:
I just answered few question about my lipstick usage and Loreal provided me personality "comments"..The best part is it recommends me to use 516 Secret Garden colourlipstick that suits my personality, and Michelle Reis aka Lee Kah Yan is using the same lipstick...('s part of the gimmick sales tactics, don't be naive)..Hmm, I still have lipstick that can last for another 3 months so most probably I will forget about it. Wah ha ha, I have strong buying resistant...