My camera
0 bird(s) chirped
Yay, finally I own a digital camera. I have been doing some research on few latest models in the market now for 2 weeks. For slim and stylish, obviously is the Sony T10 but it cost more than RM1k...nah, it's way out from my budget. So, I eyed for Sony's sister W30 but it doesn't come with memory stick. I moved to another brand which is the Olympus...FE 170 is cheap but bulky. Higher range is the FE-190. Slim and cost still within my budget. Hence, I scout for the best package that comes with 256MB XD card or 512MB card or tripod or photo printing voucher and so on in KL and Ipoh. Eventually, with a good deal I settled for FE-190 at a camera shop in Ipoh Parade on Hari Raya. Mum surprised that I bougt camera from IPoh instead from KL (definitely because KL camera shop didn't give me good deal, I think it's good demand).
Here are some shots from my new camera.
Home dish : Fried egg with kau choy

Outside Ipoh house

Cute Doggie

Smiley!!! Bought this last 5 years ago. Still looks new, right?

Me and my camera

Jaina on Monday, October 30, 2006
Melaka Trip
My friend and I went down to Malacca last 3 weeks ago. I have never been to Malacca and I guessed it's a small and quiet historical town after read through travel info from the Internet and recalled some of my Malacca's uni friend description about their hometown. As usual, people who come from different from town will sure talk or brag about their own hometown. As both of us are not familiar with Malacca town and we didn't bring Malacca map along, so we were seen wandering around the town and sometimes lost in some places. Haha..wasting time and petrol only... Malacca town roads are similar to Ipoh roads with few direction and misleading sign boards. Some roads are one way street too. Can't complain too much, since it's just a small town.
The popular Malacca delicacies are Nyonya dishes, Chicken rice balls, satay celup, ikan bakar and Portuguese food. Guess what, we didn't manage to gobble any of them as we don't know the exact restaurant or stalls that sell the food. However, at least we found Tan Kim Hock shop which famous for selling dodols, lime pickles, cincaluk and other snacks. Anyway, I just bought few stuffs for my aunty and grannies in KL.
At night, we went to Jonker street which is located near the Melaka river. It looks like pasar malam but it has alot of stalls selling cute, cheap and tiny souvenirs such as necklace, bracelet, earrings, slippers, key chains, bags and so on. I was amazed and facsinated with the originality of the things sold there. It's not like the Petaling street selling fake Crocs, fake Nike bags, fake Rolex watch and so on. One will feel secured and safe when strolling at the Jonker street because there were many police officers patrolling at the street. There were 1 or 2 night bars or disco nearby too. Well, I was attracted to many girls' accesories and hence, I had enjoyable shopping spree there.
Below are the some of the photo snippets at Malacca places
The cannon left the Portuguese since year 1400

The famous A Famosa

St Paul Church

Blue Peacock at Butterfly Park in Ayer Keroh

Koi Pond Bright and lively fishes. If I own a house, I will sure make a koi pond at my yard

Hungry koi's Too bad I don't have fish pellets for them

Little waterfall behind me

Love birds in a cage

I noticed that there were few butterfly species at Butterfly Park but there were other animals such as crocodiles, birds, snakes, phyton, monkey displayed there. The environment was under-maintained, the faded and peeled wall paint and the animals look skinny and sickly. I think it's due to insufficient fund from the Malacca municipal or lack of tourists to the park. I guess they should give more attention to the parks at Ayer Keroh by advertising more together with the historical places that most of us fond of.
Jaina on Monday, October 30, 2006
Leaving to hometown
I have been staying at home in KL for the past 2 days (sat & sun)...To tell everyone, I was so bored until spider webs can grow on me. I have been reading newspaper and lapuk cleo magazine, and watching tv. Boring activity, right?Yesterday, as I was so desperate to go back hometown so I bought bus ticket to Ipoh. However, time of leaving KL is 2.30pm as the earlier bus has been fully sold out. Whoa, I'm so surprised that there's still people leaving KL on monday. Most people should have join the traffic jam crowd on last friday and saturday.
I guess I need to pack now... Sayonara...
Jaina on Monday, October 23, 2006
Genting trip
Last month, I went up to Genting Highlands with my friend. Here are some of photos that I took in Genting. We book the 888 deal from genting website. We went Ripley's Believe It or Not! and of course the casino. What is Genting trip without visiting the well-known casino? The one and only casino is Malaysia.

A dinosour skull

Is it me or the window tilted? Or the cameraman tilted?

I forgot what is behind me...hahaha...

Well, guess what..after I sat this lucky chair, I went to casino and tried my luck there. My friend played on the tiger machine and he won quite alot, while I lost. Wat lar, I gave luck to my friend. Anyway, it's a fun trip and the weather was cooling because it was raining heavily that day.
Jaina on Friday, October 20, 2006
Upcoming holidays..Yeh!!!
Here am I in the office. Sitting in front of computer and having Ipoh white coffee, I practically have nothing to do now. My boss went out for meeting and he didn't allocate any tasks for me to do. What should I do now? I have been reading forwarded e-mails, read online newspaper, read blogs and chatting. I'm bored sitting here with no working aims/objectives. I felt I'm getting lazier. I guess after getting bonus/allowance I will run away from this company. wah ha haha..said easier than done..Need to go through a stretch of interviews again before landing a better job nearer to my house...
Anyway, today is Friday!!! And 5 days straight holidays. I should be in joyful mood..Damn my company, forced all of our staff to take compulsory leave on Monday. Our government has encouraged private companies to give HOLIDAY to the staff and NO COMPULSORY LEAVE. I wonder whether the HR has take note on this news. If I have a golden tree that grows RM, I shall use it to sue my company for disobeying government...hahaha... I actually want to come to work on Monday and didn't plan to take any leaves, just to save some leaves for end of the year. Since my mind now is in HOLIDAY mode, I should think of what should I do during the long holidays.
I wished I could go back to my hometown during this long holidays. However, I would expect that many KL city dwellers have gone back hometown, either north, south, or east of peninsular Malaysia will cause heavy traffic on highways and trunk roads. I dared not take risk to join the crowd so I didn't plan to go back hometown. Anyway, I would expect a big crowd flocking in Jusco, Kinta City and many cars with plate number start with W,B or P plugged up the roads connecting there. Hello??? KL shopping complexes are much bigger and more varieties than KC. Logic or not? Shopping in KL is not enough ar?
Well, I guess that I will plan to go back Ipoh next month. Hmm, what should I do in KL? KL city will be quiet and's great, smooth traffic and less people around, and results in peaceful mind. If the weather permits, maybe I should go walk in FRIM or lake garden...No more haze, please.
Jaina on Friday, October 20, 2006
Chicken talking to Duck!!!
I have encountered weird guy/gal from MSN messenger recently. At first, a window pop up "( would like to add you to his/her contact lists". Ok...zi mei...looks like a girl's name so I guess she must be my ex-classmate or schoolmate or unimate I may have no longer keep in touch..Hence, I just click "Ok"...
Once added, he/she started typing messages to me. I was taken aback when all he/she typed are in Chinese characters..Oh gosh, I'm only able to decipher a few characters without understanding the whole sentence. To reply whoever he/she is, I just ask politely, "Who are you?" However, he/she kept on replying in chinese..Sigh, I can't read Chinese but I'm curious watever he/she typed. Therefore, I copied a few sentences and sent it to my friend who are online and understand Chinese. Hahaha!!!
The "strange" person is actually he..and is telling me that nice to meet me and hoped that we become friends.he added it's fated to have umbrella when there is rain. there are few touching poems that he had typed to me.ooh, cheh..useless ah pek...must be from China..want to get to know Malaysian girls but don't know simple Engrish...Too bad that I can't understand your Chinese poem to attract me. Go back to China and look for girls la...I can't communicate with chinaman ah pek...The messenger scenario was like "Chicken talking to Duck" (in Cantonese phrase). It was a funny incident in my life. Wah ha ha!!!
Jaina on Thursday, October 12, 2006
Trip to Johor
Last tues, my colleagues and I went down to Pasir Gudang, Johor. Previously my company had set up a water treatment plant for a client there. Since I have nothing much to do, so I just join them for a site visit. Anyway, I have been there before so it was quite boring trip for me. Ya, I'm quite familiar with the equipments installed there so I don't feel I'm learning much there. I was just walking around in the plant and observing the readings from the equipments and I was sweating rolling down from head to toe because it was quite stuffy. Need some air ventilation.
We had a seafood dinnner just beside the sea and opposite island is the lit up Singapore..We were just at the Malaysia-Singapore border! I can see the bright Singapore but I can't step my foot there..hehe..aiya, can see but cannot touch... Even my hp line has changed to roaming has became M1 line (Singapore phone line). Oh gosh, I dared not call out or sms because I will be charged with international call charges, man..Ate kam heoung crab, la you prawn, chuk tan (long lala), steamed was just common seafood dishes and it was delicious. Anyway, I feel relaxed and chit chat with colleagues after the dinner. Enjoying the strong sea breeze and it was cooling night. I rarely experience this when I'm in Ipoh or KL..hehe..Just air pollution and heat in KL...
Back in KL on wednesday night...Everything is back to reality again. Got to wake up and go to work and come back home, sleep. Routine continues...until I wished I can balance my life with better life and work.. :)
Jaina on Friday, October 06, 2006